Sid Speaks
a 1978 phone interview by Roberta
reprinted from the Sid Vicious section
The Sex Pistols American tour ended at Winterland in San Francisco, January14, 1978.
Two days later the band had officially broken up. On January 20, Sid Vicious boarded
a plane for London via New York. He passed out en route, an apparent drug overdose,
and was taken unconscious to Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York. The biggest blizzard
of the year had immobilized New York, so we spoke to Sid that night over the phone.
He sounded very weak, but anxious to talk. He was lonely and bored.

Sid Vicious In Tulsa
Sid: Hello.
Roberta: Hello, Sid?
Sid: Hello.
Roberta: Sid?
Sid: Yeah?
Roberta: This is Roberta.
Sid: Oh yeah, I remember... will you come visit me in Hospital?
Roberta: I would but it's snowing.
Sid: Oh.
Roberta: I don't have a car and you can't go on the trains.
Sid: I'm lonely.
Roberta: We're gonna come tomorrow. Do you think you'll still
be in tomorrow?
Sid: I'm supposed to be going back to London tomorrow.
Roberta: How are you feeling?
Sid: Weak.
Roberta: Nobody's been up to see you or anything?
Sid: No.
Roberta: It's so miserable outside. I guess you can see
it on television.
Sid: Yeah, I'm just sitting here on my own.
Roberta: How long you been in there - just last night?
Sid: Umm, yeah.
Roberta: What happened to everybody else? Who was on the
plane with you?
Sid: Boogie (soundman for the Sex Pistols). What happened
was, I done 80 milligrams of methadone, right? And when you get - and about 6 or 7
valiums -- and when you get high in the air it has a much greater effect on you than
it does when you're on the ground. You know you get pissed a lot quicker in the air.
Roberta: Yeah, you get drunk faster.
Sid: So, that's what happened...I wouldn't expect anyone
to go on a train all this way just to see me anyway.

Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa
Roberta: Do you have a TV at least?
Sid: Yeah. What I could do with would be something to read.
Roberta: Yeah, magazines or something, huh?
Sid: What I really want is like a very very large pile
of Marvel comics.
Roberta: I've got some great comic books.
Sid: Yeah, so do I, but Boogie's got them, the asshole.
Roberta: You don't have any way to get in touch with him?
Sid: No. He said he'd call me later today, but he hasn't
bothered. And he won't be bothering either. He's a cunt.
Roberta: Well, what happened with this group of yours anyway?
Sid: I left them.
Roberta: Yeah, it seems like everybody left them.
Sid: Well. I don't think anybody really wanted to continue,
but no one had the guts to actually say it. So I just phoned John up and told him
what I thought of him and where I thought he was at and ummm... I mean I still think
I'm pretty good. I think I was better than any of the others.
Roberta: But what do Steve and Paul want to do?
Sid: I don't know. They'll probably try and get
another band together and fail. John's completely finished.
Roberta: That seems to be the general consensus.
Sid: (Cheerfully) Does it?
Roberta: Well, everybody's just saying well what
can he do now and nobody can figure out anything that he can do.
Sid: Yeah, right and he's finished as a person
as well. He's just not what he used to be.

Johnny Rotten
Roberta: Well, maybe this will shake him up a little bit?
Sid: Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. That it'll shake
him up and then he'll be able to do something, that'd be goad if he could do
that, but otherwise if it doesn't shake him up and get him out of it, then as
a person, not only will he not do anything, but also nobody will even want to
know him. They'll say, oh didn't you used to be Johnny Rotten?
Roberta: Yeah, I guess in England everybody's
gonna be really upset about this. How do you feel about it?
Sid: I'm glad that it's over now because
it was like...I feel like I was the only one still putting any real
energy into it. Did you see our show at Frisco? I mean John wasn't
doing very much was he?
Roberta: The shows got worse instead of better.
Sid: Yeah. I think the one we did in Dallas
or something was....
Roberta: San Antonio. I thought that was
Sid: (Excited) What, was that the one when I got butted
in the face?
Roberta: No, that was Dallas. But I liked
the one when you hit the guy with the guitar. (Randy's Rodeo)
Sid: Was that the one when I was going really
Roberta: Yeah, and John was jumping around
a lot and the people were throwing lots of beer cans (at the band).
That was a really exciting one. If the planes go out in the morning
will you go back to London tomorrow?
Sid: Well, I said I would go. Sophie'll have
booked the ticket.
Roberta: But they may not be letting the
planes go....
Sid: I hope they don't in a way 'cause I
wanna like stay in New York for at least one day.
Roberta: Yeah, you should. All kinds of people
want to see you and everything. You've never been here before. You
could have a good time. I mean you're healthy enough to do it.
Sid: I don't know whether I am. I can't drink.
I can't like...The doctor said that if I drank anything like vaguely
remotely like the way I've been drinking for the past...however long,
that I've got about six months at the absolute outside to live, and
like the drugs as well, so I more or less can't do anything so if I
went out anywhere I'd just like...sit there. If I went out anywhere
I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation - that'd be the trouble.
Like I'd end up just boozing myself out.
Roberta: Well, what're you going to do? If
you go back to London, it's just the same thing.
Sid: Yeah. I probably will die in six months,
Roberta: You have to straighten out for a
Sid: I can't straighten up. I just can't
be straight.
Roberta: You could. Just as an experiment.
Sid: I suppose I just have to. I haven't
figured out yet quite how I'm gonna do it 'cause I haven't been straight
in like four years. I had hepatitis and when I got out of hospital
I just really fucked myself up as badly as I could. I don't know why,
but everybody said you can't do it, so I just went ahead and done it.
It's my basic nature.
Roberta: Well, your basic nature's gonna
get you in a lot of trouble.
Sid: My basic nature's gonna kill me in six